원클릭 만화 번역, 더 편하게 만화 즐기기
몰입형 번역은 다양한 주요 만화 웹사이트를 지원합니다 ( Pixiv, MANGA Plus by SHUEISHA, ReadComicOnline, COMIC FUZ, MangaDex, Copymanga, ShonenJumpPlus, Comic Top, ComicWalker, Web Ace, Antbyw, Zerobywzz, 动漫之家, Twitter Comic, FANBOX, MangaZ, PASH UP 등, 지속 추가 중).
100개 이상의 언어로 만화 번역을 지원하여 언어 장벽을 넘어 전 세계 만화를 즐길 수 있습니다.
원하는 웹사이트가 없나요? 여기를 클릭하세요 지원이 필요한 웹사이트를 알려주시면, 최대한 빨리 지원하겠습니다!

원클릭 만화 번역, 언어 장벽 없이 마음껏 즐기세요.
만화 애호가분들을 위해 만화 번역 도구를 출시했습니다. 단 한 번의 클릭으로 일본 또는 외국 만화 작품의 텍스트를 원하는 언어로 빠르게 번역할 수 있습니다. 언어 장벽이 바로 해결되어, 언어 스트레스 없이 좋아하는 만화를 더욱 쉽고 편안하게 마음껏 즐길 수 있습니다. 이 기술은 만화 감상 효율을 높일 뿐만 아니라, 다양한 문화를 배경으로 한 멋진 이야기가 언어의 경계를 초월하여 전 세계 독자들과 공유될 수 있도록 하여 만화 감상 경험을 풍부하게 합니다.
플로팅 버튼으로 신속 번역
몰입형 번역이 지원중인 만화 웹사이트에 들어가 플로팅 버튼을 활성화하면, 자동으로 만화 번역 단축 버튼이 나타납니다. 이 버튼을 클릭하면 만화가 번역됩니다.

쉽게 식별하는 복잡한 일본어 글꼴
보다 정확한 이미지 식별 기술이 복잡한 글꼴도 쉽게 인식하여, 향상된 번역 품질을 제공합니다.

번역물 온라인 공유
번역된 만화는 온라인 링크로 저장할 수 있으며, 친구에게 한 번의 클릭으로 전달할 수 있어 만화를 함께 즐겁게 볼 수 있습니다!

몰입형 번역, 한 번의 클릭으로 이중 언어 읽기를 시작하세요
I have been looking for a Chrome extension to show both original and translated languages on the same page for dual language education purpose. I used Saladict for a few years but the versatility this extension provides is much more powerful. Thanks for making this!

Super easy to use, it's definitely the best translation extension I've used so far, bar none! Everything is just as I imagined!

How should I put this? This extension is just too awesome. After trying dozens of page translation extensions, this one has all the features you could want. I hope they continue to provide their service.

I use this extension everyday!!!

If you: 1. Use Chrome; 2. Need to read a lot of English literature/PDFs/slides; 3. Are short on time or just want to skim; 4. Wish to have machine translation as a reference while conveniently browsing the original text, then anyone meeting at least two of these criteria should undoubtedly try this extension!

I recently explored creating bilingual e-books in Chinese and English using "Immersive Translate" and found this app to be incredibly powerful. It spans all systems and platforms, allowing you to use it on any device—PC, mobile—with virtually no difference in experience across platforms.

Must have extension! Just found out this. No doubt it will be my must have extension. Way better than other simular choices.

Bilingual translation with customizable styles is amazing—this is exactly what I wanted.

Easily the best translator. It can translate the web apps even though google translate doesn't recognise.

This is my first time reviewing a Chrome extension, and the overall experience has been exceptionally seamless. The name "Immersive Translate" couldn't be more apt—kudos to the developer!

The first time I used this extension, I was blown away. It surpassed all other translation extensions I've used before. The segment-by-segment translation mode is innovative, offering bilingual comparison, and there are multiple styles for the translated text to choose from.

I just discovered today that the "Immersive Bilingual Web Page Translation Extension" even supports PDF translation, which is truly fantastic. I can say without a doubt that Immersive-Translate is the most actively used extension in my browser at the moment!

I have been looking for a Chrome extension to show both original and translated languages on the same page for dual language education purpose. I used Saladict for a few years but the versatility this extension provides is much more powerful. Thanks for making this!

Super easy to use, it's definitely the best translation extension I've used so far, bar none! Everything is just as I imagined!

How should I put this? This extension is just too awesome. After trying dozens of page translation extensions, this one has all the features you could want. I hope they continue to provide their service.

I use this extension everyday!!!

If you: 1. Use Chrome; 2. Need to read a lot of English literature/PDFs/slides; 3. Are short on time or just want to skim; 4. Wish to have machine translation as a reference while conveniently browsing the original text, then anyone meeting at least two of these criteria should undoubtedly try this extension!

I recently explored creating bilingual e-books in Chinese and English using "Immersive Translate" and found this app to be incredibly powerful. It spans all systems and platforms, allowing you to use it on any device—PC, mobile—with virtually no difference in experience across platforms.

Must have extension! Just found out this. No doubt it will be my must have extension. Way better than other simular choices.

Bilingual translation with customizable styles is amazing—this is exactly what I wanted.

Easily the best translator. It can translate the web apps even though google translate doesn't recognise.

This is my first time reviewing a Chrome extension, and the overall experience has been exceptionally seamless. The name "Immersive Translate" couldn't be more apt—kudos to the developer!

The first time I used this extension, I was blown away. It surpassed all other translation extensions I've used before. The segment-by-segment translation mode is innovative, offering bilingual comparison, and there are multiple styles for the translated text to choose from.

I just discovered today that the "Immersive Bilingual Web Page Translation Extension" even supports PDF translation, which is truly fantastic. I can say without a doubt that Immersive-Translate is the most actively used extension in my browser at the moment!

I have been looking for a Chrome extension to show both original and translated languages on the same page for dual language education purpose. I used Saladict for a few years but the versatility this extension provides is much more powerful. Thanks for making this!

Super easy to use, it's definitely the best translation extension I've used so far, bar none! Everything is just as I imagined!

How should I put this? This extension is just too awesome. After trying dozens of page translation extensions, this one has all the features you could want. I hope they continue to provide their service.

I use this extension everyday!!!

If you: 1. Use Chrome; 2. Need to read a lot of English literature/PDFs/slides; 3. Are short on time or just want to skim; 4. Wish to have machine translation as a reference while conveniently browsing the original text, then anyone meeting at least two of these criteria should undoubtedly try this extension!